Saturday, July 19, 2014

My Dad Stopped Smoking :o

This is beyond startling.  It actually happened a couple months ago, but I didn't say anything because I didn't think it would stick.  He has been smoking since he was a child!  In the past, he would buy a carton at a time, and let me know when he was almost out.  Then we would go to the smoke shop.  One day he just didn't ask.  I couldn't believe it.  I went to the store to get him some Nicorette gum, hoping that would help it stick.  I offered him a piece a few times a day for the first few days, then a couple a day, then one.  I gathered up all the lighters so they would not be a reminder.  And the days went on...  At a recent doctor visit, he said he had quit years ago lol!  I am thrilled and relieved.  Although he always smoked outside, he sometimes used the stove to light them and left the gas on once!  Here's to hoping they are gone for good!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

My Birthday, AKA Fourth of July

In the spirit of trying to keep a sense of normalcy in our lives, I wanted to have a good old fashioned Fourth of July.  My parents were known for their big parties every year, so there is much nostalgia around  this  holiday for me.  Not to mention it being my birthday!  The interesting thing, however, is that I have pretty much despised anything red, white and blue my entire adult life.My mom made me homemade clothes in these colors throughout my childhood, any by my teen years, I had grown to loathe them.  Case in hideous point:

In didn't even have to be a summer thing.  Here I am at Christmastime in an even uglier ensemble:

But I digress.  One of my favorite things to do is make decorations and crafts around various holidays, and I got to thinking there is no reason to pass my weirdness on to my kids.  So I got over myself and pulled out all the stops.    We made paper lanterns to hang on the patio...

Only Orion loved his so much he put it in his room instead lol.

I made this from a disposable foil baking pan!

Daddy, in the meantime, was busy putting together our "blob" - an idea I found on Pinterest - basically just plastic sheeting sealed with duct tape, then filled with water. 

I even made special themed food.  Who am I?

The blob was a huge hit.

As were these things I made with plastic bottles, duct tape and balloons.

They were supposed to be for popping confetti but turned out much more amusing with water.

And what would the Fourth be without water balloons?

Very impressed it was bigger than his head.

We topped off the day at the local fireworks show, which I didn't get any photos of, but both of the kids really loved it.