Monday, January 20, 2014

What's In a Name?

I am entering a new phase in my life, often called the sandwich generation.  For anybody who has not heard the term, it refers to people who are caring for both children and elders, and the resulting sense of squishitude that goes along with that life choice.  I have also recently found a passion for writing, which happened as a result of a gratitude practice I undertook in November.  I never really “got” journaling in the past.  I have always been a “verbal processor” and tend to figure things out as I am talking to somebody, but it wasn’t until recently I had that same experience with writing.    So now, as I face what will most likely be the most stressful time in my life to date, I am being drawn to process it with the written word.

Blog names are important to me, and this one took a lot of thinking.  Enough that I decided it deserved its own post!  I wanted something that related to sandwiches but could still work when I am past this place in my life.  It was a bit of a challenge since I am an avid follower of the paleo diet and don’t even eat sandwiches lol.  (Yes, there are paleo breads you can make, but I am a bit “why bother” about them when there are so many other good things to eat!)  I considered going with a play on wraps instead but realized that would be esoteric at best, so I kept plugging away in my brain until I hit on something I am sortof obsessed with right now… mayo!

Mayo is sortof a staple for me.  From chicken salad to deviled eggs to chipotle dip, there is a good chance I am going to use mayo at least once a day.  I am completely in love with Trader Joe’s mayo, but I am also trying to get canola oil out of my diet, which leads to a whole nother aspect of the obsession:  working on the perfect homemade recipe.  But that is another post for another time. 

Just loving mayo is not the whole meaning of the name for me however. There is the sandwich connection of course, but what this name also conveys for me is a sense of abundance, which is how I strive to see the world.  We are also an unschooling family. (If you are interested, you can read about it here: Unschooling can look very different for different families, but the concept of living in abundance versus fear and scarcity is a popular one among unschoolers.  So when I picture myself being sandwiched, the idea of asking for MORE is really powerful.  Give me more in my life, give me more of something I love.  When there is a problem, how can it be solved by adding something instead of taking something away?  Usually that means adding love.  That is pretty much my life philosophy in a nutshell.  Or should that be in a jar?  J

Maybe I could have called my blog Pass the Love…  Hmm, I really like that too!  But I decided to stick with Pass the Mayo because I am pretty much a food and nutrition geek as well.  My daughter has all sorts of food allergies and chronic gut issues we haven’t figured out, so researching and making special foods, and using food as medicine, is a big part of my life.

So to wrap it up (haha, I got my wrap in there after all!)  The things I will write about most frequently will be dealing with becoming a caregiver for my dad, gratitude, unschooling and food.  There you have it!  I’m gonna have my sandwich and eat it too!


  1. Thanks! I really want to keep this up as a form of self care. It is going to be hard with all the work that needs done, but I have to rest some time, right? :)

  2. Yes, self care good. Even if it is a little tiny post now and then when you can do it.
