Sunday, March 2, 2014

Balance Can Kiss My Ass


Plans have changed and we are postponing our drive a week.  Long story, but at least I feel like I can take a few moments to do some writing.  A few weeks ago, I took some time for myself and had a session with the lovely Sharon Ann Rose from Ministry of the Mother, and so much came out of it I have been wanting to write about.  I think I will start with what came to me about the concept of balance.  I chose the photo above because that elephant looks pretty damn uncomfortable.  I have written glowingly about balance in the past, and probably will in the future, but at the moment, balance can kiss my ass.  Or at least certain ways of looking at it.  Bear with me.

When I started the session, I was really honest about how it had been hard for me to stop packing and even show up.  But I did.  So that is what we started exploring first.  Why did I come?  What was I there for?  Sharon is very gifted at taking people on spur of the moment guided journeys that are somehow always the perfect thing, celebrating the essence of each person, right where they are in that moment.  So where was I?  I do not switch gears well, at all.  My husband calls me a “creature of singular focus”.   It is nearly impossible for me to go from packing mode to chilling with my husband or self care or really pretty much anything that doesn’t involve getting things into boxes.   At one point during the meditation, I asked myself what I needed, and my first thought was balance.  This word has come up a lot for me in my spiritual practice as something I want to cultivate.  It seems like I always have some project going on, whether I am organizing an event or working on a family photo book or searching for quotations to match with my daughter’s photography or starting a new blog.  I tend to make these projects a higher priority than many other things in my life, and the first thing to go is usually self care.  I frequently go through mental gymnastics about how I can somehow manage my time to DOITALL – time with my husband, time with my kids, make homemade food, keep the house clean, pursue my own passions, and um, take a shower now and then.   During that meditation, I had an “aha”.  There were several different aspects to it, which my overtired brain can’t seem to narrate together, so I am just going to list them.

1. So what if I am a creature of singular focus?  Sharon has this way of framing everything in a beautiful light, and that is where I am right now, so maybe I was there to get reminded that was OK.   More than OK even.  So what if I suck at self care in general?  If I choose to play a game with my kid instead of taking a shower, so be it.  I long ago realized I was going to have let go of certain things and decide on priorities because I really do know I can’t doitall.   And I don’t cross the line into a place where I would become resentful.  I do just enough little things for myself, like lighting candles and listening to music I love while packing, to maintain my sanity.

2.  I had been making an assumption that what I needed was the opposite of singular focus, which I was perceiving to be balance.  But no, what I need is self acceptance of where I am in the moment and SLOWING DOWN.  (The session actually happened before my last post, which helps to put that in even more perspective. )

3. The way I had been looking at balance was really pretty sucky, because I was feeling it as yet another task in a manner of speaking.  It was like I was putting pressure on myself to figure out the best way to balance everything, and in the process just setting myself up for another thing to beat myself up for not doing well enough.  Like I said, kiss my ass.

Don’t get me wrong.  I have nothing against the word balance and see how it can be a powerful philosophical concept to strive for.  But in that moment, I realized I was looking at it in a really unhealthy way.  What I need right now is a fat dose of mindfulness.  So that is what I have been trying to strive for, and mostly failing in recent days to be honest, but at least I am trying. 

And if you know me, you will also know I just can’t leave a topic alone without going and looking at quotations, because I am pretty much a quotation geek, and they often inspire me to think about things a different way.  So you can imagine how floored I was to come across this little gem:

OK, so maybe balance doesn't have to kiss my ass after all.  This is just what I was getting at in number 1 above!  I had never seen balance framed quite like this before.  This kind of balance I can get down with.  Now if I can just remember the key is to truly enjoy the choices and not feel guilty about the thing you decided NOT to do!!!  I think I am going to copy this onto some paper and tape it to the wall as I finish my packing.  AND keep trying to remember to slow down.  Always I need the slowing down. 

“I am putting this pony in a box, I am putting this sauce pan in a box, I am putting this pair of shoes in a box…”.  Yeah.  

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